- Monophonic with note, velocity, modulation wheel, auxiliary CC/aftertouch CV.
- 2-voice polyphonic or 2-part multitimbral with two note CV and auxiliary CC/aftertouch CV.
- 4-voice polyphonic or 4-part multitimbral with four note CV.
- 4-part trigger conversion with MIDI note selection for each part.
- Clock/reset output in monophonic, duophonic, or trigger conversion modes.
- Polychaining mode handling half of the notes internally and forwarding the other half to the MIDI out.
- Transposition
- Split/keyboard ranges.
- Multiple voice allocation schemes in polyphonic mode (voice-stealing, random, cyclic).
- Multiple note priority modes in monophonic mode (lowest, highest, latest).
- Arpeggiator with up/down/up&down/random/chord/“as played” modes and 22 preset patterns.
- 64-note SH-101 style sequencer per part.
- Euclidean pattern generator.
- 1 V/oct and 5V Gate/Trigger standard.
- Micro-tunings (programmed through MIDI tuning messages).
- Portamento, pitch-bend and modulation wheel (vibrato).
- Audio output mode replacing the note CV by a digital oscillator offering sine, square, pulse, triangle, sawtooth or noise waveforms.
Multichannel MIDI to CV/Gate conversion
Yarns is a MIDI interface providing up to 4 channels of very accurate CV/Gate conversion, which can be assigned to up to 4 voices.
In single voice mode, note, velocity, modulation and aftertouch (or other CC) CV are produced, along with a gate, a trigger, and a clock/reset output.
In two voices mode, two channels of note, modulation or aftertouch CV are produced, along with two gates, and clock/reset outputs.
Finally, in four voices mode, four pairs of CV/Gate outputs are provided.
Each voice has a built-in digital LFO to interpret modulation wheel messages as a vibrato; can respond to pitch-bend messages; or can be smoothed with a glide/portamento control – no need for a dedicated module and patches to get the right response from a MIDI keyboard!
- Width: 12hp
- Depth: 25mm
- Power: +12V:60mA -12V:2mA